4th International System Administration and Network Engineering Conference
September 27 - October 1, 2004
RAI Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
A conference organised by the NLUUG, the UNIX User Group - The Netherlands
Co-sponsored by Stichting NLnet and with the co-operation of USENIX, the Advanced Computing Systems Association

Bert registers and his over 400 Euros of registration fee buys him a nice welcome.
Bert's ID was not accepted by the "Public Key Guru". That does not prevent YOU to sign Bert's PGP key. Bert thinks it is a particularly bad idea to unleash Tomcats. But unleashing 5 Tomcats at a time is just insane.
Bert still thinks that 512 is the ideal size.
left: Bert considderst to host this site on the poor men's Akamai. Bert is about to get a Consumadrin Overdosis when running into the new G5
Even after infiltration in the organization Bert could not deliver what he was bribed for; A poster prise for the Greek Multicast Traffic Weathermap folk.
Bert as one of the contestants of the INSANE quiz
(Why are all these questions about Geek literature?)
Bert won the MySQL pocket refernce. 5 minutes after he was certified in MySQL installation, security and maintenance.